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Please make sure you’ve installed Decipher for your frontend before continuing.


Install the SDK

Decipher uses the Sentry SDK to collect runtime data from your application. Installation is simple:

pip install --upgrade 'sentry-sdk[fastapi]'

The FastAPI integration will be automatically enabled when you initialize the Sentry SDK, provided the FastAPI package is included in your application’s dependencies.


Initialize the SDK

Initialize the SDK as soon as possible in your application’s runtime.

import sentry_sdk

    dsn="YOUR_DECIPHER_DSN", # Get this at https://app.getdecipher.com/settings

app = FastAPI(__name__) 
# ...

You can get the dsn parameter by creating a project within Decipher with your work email. On the Settings page, select a new project name and click ”Create New Project”. Decipher will generate a DSN to that you can paste.


Test the integration

Throw an error anywhere in your application and Decipher will automatically capture the exception and runtime alongside it.

For example:

from FastAPI import FastAPI

sentry_sdk.init(...)   # See above

app = FastAPI(__name__)

def hello_world():
    1 / 0  # raises an error
    return "<p>Hello, World!</p>"

Check out the Decipher dashboard to see information about your captured error. Decipher will automatically analyze and group your errors to highlight the important, high-impact ones.